Wednesday 27 April 2011

Happy Birthday! Mum ^^

If she happened to see this, she will sure scolded me:' 神经病啊!给我拿下来!’
Then I will replied her:'这么美,没有关系啦!' ^^
And she will continued:'什么没关系?!给我拿下来huh!!' O_o
I will then said:' ok, 明天拿下来.' but I don't think I will did that. ha.=P

She always told me that:' 每次想到你的事,一整个晚上不能睡觉。'
I always said:'不用担心啦!我很好.'
She will told me:'那份工那么好, 你为什么。。。'
Initially I will said:'我真的很讨厌哪份工。' then, a lot of comments started from the other end of phone.
Now I said:'我已经回到工作岗位了.'
Then she change topic:' 你什么时候找个男朋友?我不能一直在你身边。'
Previously, I told her:' 不可能让我随便在街上找个就嫁掉吧?'
Now, I told her:'很多人不知道要选谁.'
Then, she will said:'噢~要看好好,不要选错人。' ^^

My mum is gentle, even though sometime she is very strict to her children.. She knew how to communicate with me to make me follow her wish.Now, I have learned the way to communicate with her, so that, she feel better, and I can still carry out with my things. ^^

One day, she called me and said:' 你可以打电话给我告诉我你今天吃了什么,做了什么呀!这样我才知道你的生活怎么样.'
When listened to this, I can't really talk at that moment. I felt her loneliness... ...
Then she continued to say:'像戏里面的人那样。。。'
Oh my God!!. =_=lll

She stayed with my Dad and the two nieces in Johor. She is now very busy with the two little 'monster'. ^^ I will back to Johor once in a month. I still can't spend much time with her now. I'm so afraid when she really need me I can't even spend a minutes with her. Therefore, working very hard to build a future where I can spend 24 hours with her when she needs me. ^^

You are my Heaven. Happy birthday Mum!

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Happy Paradise


詞:呂學海 曲:陳復明

導演 :劉耕名
插畫 :潘心屏
模型製作:伍玳黎, 李佳琦, 林竺琪, 深谷牧子,郭姵希,邱秋萍, 包涵方,高若瑜, 蘇逸華, 張湘瑩, 内之倉 彰
2D動畫:伍玳黎, 李佳琦, 林竺琪, 深谷牧子,郭姵希, 内之倉 彰




此次更採用歐美相當流行的停格動畫,每一只手作紙雕的動作都是逐格拍攝,並拍攝超過1萬張的停格動畫,另搭建3個不同的攝影棚在紐約第5大道上的SUSPECT公司內,S­USPECT為紐約知名的MOTION GRPAHICS STUIDO,主要做廣告、電視台設計、電影片頭視覺、特效的多元服務。


"Happy Paradise" is a popular charity song from the 80's. It has been well-known among communities, both in Taiwan and China, for the past few decades. We are proud to present SUSPECT Director Keng-Ming Liu's latest work, which combines paper crafts and stop-motion techniques to re-interpret this classic song in celebration of Rock Records' 30th Anniversary.

Keng-Ming Liu

Hsing Ping Pan

Han Fang Pao

Props Master
Taili Wu, Chia-Chi Li, kk Lin,Makiko Fukaya, Stephanie Su,Han Fang Pao, Minnie Kao, Pei Hsi Kuo, Stephanie Su, Akira Uchinokura, Keng-Ming Liu, Xiang-Ying Chang, Chiu-Ping Chiu

Keng-Ming Liu, kk Lin,Makiko Fukaya, Taili Wu, Chia-Chi Li, Pei Hsi Kuo, Akira Uchinokura.

3D Animator
May Wang

This was uploaded onto YouTube by kengming1015

When i saw this MV and its entire production process, I can't help but to share it out in my blog. 

Sunday 24 April 2011


    从前, 有个国王,他有一只全国里跑得最快的狗。一天,他带着狗去打猎。远远望见一只兔子,马上拔弓,一箭就射中了兔子的脚。国王马上让狗儿去帮他追那只逃跑的兔子。国王心想我的狗跑得那么快,绝对没问题。过了一阵,狗儿回来了,却什么也没有带回来。

    兔子回答道:‘我若不尽力跑得比它快, 我就没命了!!我是拼了命跑的!’





这是某天被塞在Jalan Hang Tuah的车龙里动弹不得时拍下的。原本是很紧张的在赶时间

Saturday 23 April 2011

Nutrilite Farm,The Farm That Working In Partnership With Nature

Due to the scope of my work , I have been visiting many food manufacturing factories, and farms.
I have never seen such a great farming system. Nutrilite Farm---The real organic farm that  inspire me. While searching in the internet, there are too many information appears in front of me.

They implementing Good Agriculture Practice (GAP), which is already a very high standard program, especially in US.  Yet they set a requirement of all the farms supplying botanical materials adhere to the 
NUTRICERT farm certification program – ensuring that these farms adhere to Nutrilite's own organic farming philosophy, guided by sustainable, organic principles.

Crops used for Nutrilite supplements are grown using organic and sustainable farming methods. Instead of relying on harmful pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizes, they let nature do the work. 
The organic farming methods used to produce ingredients are more costly and more labour intensive than conventional commercial farming , but they offer enormous advantages. By focusing on long-term sustainability, instead of short term yields. They produce healthy crops without damaging the earth and the environment. They believe that best supplement begins with the best plant.

To implement a organic farm standard is not easy. To achieve this objective we need a very powerful support from the Top Management and also the workers. There are a lot of farm claiming themselves as organic farm, but when I went to visit them, there are still far behind from the standard. They 'look like' but they are NOT.

When study about the Nutrilite farming technique, I was soon be attracted by their philosophy and commitment to grow the best plant that led to development of one of the industry's most extensive organic farming operations. Here are some implementation that I am so impress^^

Integrated pest management(in chinese: 天敌法):-

Integrated pest management (IPM) is an integrated approach of crop management to solve ecological problems when applied in agriculture.
These methods are performed in three stages: preventionobservation, and intervention. It is an ecological approach with a main goal of significantly reducing or eliminating the use of pesticides while at the same time managing pest populations at an acceptable level.
The emphasis is on control, not eradication.Should a pest reach an unacceptable level, mechanical methods are the first options to consider. They include simple hand-picking, erecting insect barriers, using traps, vacuuming, and tillage to disrupt breeding.Using biological controls,promoting beneficial insects that eat target pests.They use ladybirds, green lacewing, spiders, predator birds like hawks, owls, bats  and so on.  
(you browse to this webpage to know more about the pest control in nutrilite farm. It is in Chinese and game approach ^^ )
Soil Management:-
It concerns all operations, practices and treatments used to protect soil and enhance its performance. a soil that functions effectively today and will continue to produce crops long into the future.
They implement crop rotation, nutrient-rich organic compost(derived from decomposed plant materials), soil microbes, "green manure" crops (i.e. clover and vetch are grown and ploughed back into the soil to increase nutrients and improve the soil structure) and earthworms(the key players in soil health, which they enrich the soil as they ingest, decompose and deposit casts continuously.)
No soil or environmental contamination, such as using genetically modified organisms. The idea is to protect the farms from potential sources of contamination from neighboring farms.
grazing livestock in between plantings will reduce weeds and enrich the soil with biological nutrients.
In-depth quality control standards, including proper documentation of farm inputs, traceability of crop sources, written plans to avoid contamination and control pests, and a quality assurance program for farm products sold.
What I admire the best is that we could actually  find a small ecosystem in this organic farm. You can see lake, trees, river, different species of plants and fauna, human, etc.
They built a healthy social environment around the farm, providing farm employees with the opportunity for personal development, including education and training. They build school, clinic, and other facilities in the community. They create harmony atmosphere in the community. The farmers are certified as the organic farmer.^^

My father's quest began in1915 in China. 
There he observed that people who lived in rural areas seemed 
to be healthier than people in the cities, 
and he soon made the connection between plant-based nutrition and improved health.
When my father returne to the United States in 1927, 
he set up makeshift multimineral products based on plant mterials.
In 1940s, my father leased a two-acre farm in the San Fernando Valley 
to grow alfalfa and other plant materials without using 
synthetic pesticides or herbicides. 
He called his natural methods "Nutrilite farming Practices" 
and we have used those methods ever since to ensure that 
we remain in control of the quality of our products
 ' from the seed to the finished supplement'.--Dr. Sam Rehnborg
(Note:-After reading a book named " The Nutrilite Story- past, present, future". 
I got to know that the knowledge of the Tradisional Chinese Medicine,TCM 
had been studied and introduced by Dr. Carl Rehnborg into the Nutrilite products. 
There were 'ying' and 'yang' and also the 'qi' concept. This is pretty surprise. 
He even read the book '神农本草经'.)
This is more than a Organic Farm!AwesomeThis is the reason why I said I have never experience such a powerful organic system before. Yet this is only the 'seed'. They control over plant ingredients from the seed to finished supplement, 150 product and packaging patents and industry leadership in phytonutrient product formulation. 

In 2009, they celebrate their 75th anniversary.

Implementing a standard into a food factory or a farm is actually creating a ripple in the whole supply chain.
Food Factory/Farm --- Intermediate Suppliers --- Main Suppliers from local or oversea.  
By setting supplier requirements/ purchasing specifications,  the supplier will be forced to improve their system. More safe food will be produced.
However... unfortunately... most of them think that this is costly, impossible, wasting time, hard to manage, etc. So, what else you think is good ? When a problem come to you? or When somebody out there die because of you?

The Nutrilite Story- past, present, future   Kevin McNabb

Friday 22 April 2011

どこに いる Johnny The Moron??

我有写日记的习惯。但,有个很好笑的想法。当在日记里写下对我来说很重要的事的时候,我不会用华文或英文而会用日文来写。因为,总觉得有人偷看我的日记的话, 他也看不懂。哈!(现在的google translate 很厉害呀^^

那些记载着我很重要的心情的人,事,物的文字,因此变成了连写在日记里也很危险的存在。不能说的秘密。这很奇怪吧?什么样的一种性格的扭曲呢? 完全没有安全感。


どこに いる Johnny The Moron?
あの人は 誰?
ほんとに 好きだ この漫画。
その人のことを 私はまったく 知らない...
もっと その人のことを 知りたい。

作者は 私に たくさんの事を 教えてくれました。
彼の考えを示すの方法、彼は人々を楽しませるの方法。とても 素晴らしと 特別な。

十年後 そのコミックをとで会ったけど もうアップデトは されていなかった。
私は 彼のアイデイアに 心を 掴まれた。樹のように、動かないで、他の人の目を引きつけています。
現実的て、感動的。努力と誠実さに あふれている。豊富です。^^




たぶん その人は今、どこかで 何かをしているだろう。私は その人が 幸せでいることを願う。

Johnny The Moron 在哪里?

Johnny The Moron的作者教会了我一些事。十多年后的今天才看到这个漫画,但网页已经没有再更新了。。。好纳闷啊。。。怎么这样???=_=




可能在某处还在继续着什么吧?^^那么,祝福Johnny The Moron过着他向往的生活。。。



2009年,开始接触本地漫画。看到Johnny The Moron的时候,一直很难相信这是本地创作,而且是那么早期的创作。 =P 因为,一直在看的都是英文版的所以,觉得是国外的漫画。
!是本地创作耶!! ^^ (1999年开始放上网络,当时,我还在读中学。)


这群漫画家,插画家那么的努力。。。为梦想,为生计。。。为生命努力留下些什么。我的世界不只我一个人。。。是一群人筑成的。。。加油!加油! 不停的成长吧! ^^

Each one of us has pain and sorrow
Sheds a secret tear
But drops of your tears will fall to the earth and 
Welcome new life into the world again and again with love----史香(from ノクターン 平原绫香



我在今年2011年4月,找到了Johnny The Moron.^^ 。。。要不是生病 =_=(修读营养学的我原本,应该可以自己调理,但,总觉得缺掉一些我不了解的因素。所以,到处寻找着更广大的知识)没想到竟然在这种情况下就阴差阳错的找到了。。。非常不可思议!


竟然就在眼前,还不知不觉。。。察觉到的时候,还跟自己说:不是啦,不是啦! ^^
拒绝去相信差不多要一个月。一次,在翻阅一些关于本地漫画创作的网站时(那个网站也已经停止update了。不过,看到史美星老师以前的样子,哇!果然时间不留情呀! =P),才相信是真的哦! 好傻!

あの人は 可愛い 優しいで 勤勉な人です。

之前像在看星星,只知道它的光芒的美丽,却不知道它的形态如何。现在像在看一棵大树, 劲而伸展的树枝,秀气而坚韧。静静的看着,不去摘下任何的树叶,果实或花朵。可以的话,在树下乘凉,看树叶被风吹动的样子,这样也很不错。。。^^


心から 感謝してる 
これからもう ずっとその笑顔て 僕のそばにいて (^^)v

Tuesday 19 April 2011

My Arts (part I)

 During Secondary...

 During University...



I love drawing since childhood. Mum gave me a unused diary /note book and a pencil and I started to draw. I drew mountain, birds, sun, cloud, trees, flowers, butterflies, bees,etc...Anything that I found around my house area.
At that time, there was a forest in front of our house. Cool air and also lots of unexpected "friends" will came to our house anytime. There were once a big spider(as big as the kid's bicycle wheel) came into our house, since then, I was so afraid of spider! Until today I still can't accept it. =_=
This is just like how I love drawing ^^ until today I still continue to draw and enjoy it very very much!!

Parents send me for an art class when I was standard 3. I had had learning with the teacher for 9 years. 陈哲冰老师. She is a great teacher to me even until today. A very beautiful lady with long, very long hair. ^^ (If anybody knew 齐豫,she look like her style.) With her guidance, I won the Gold Reward in Japan World Children Painting Competition in consecutive two years !! ^^

During University, I had done lot of sketching using people's photos.^^ It ain't easy. (for me.) It took me one or two days to complete one. ha! goodness. =P 

"You like painting but it doesn't mean that you have talent in it. However, practice made perfect!!"  (this was told to me by a teacher when I continued to learn art at his art studio after graduated from University. ) 子健老师. He had taught me how to draw a picture to look like a real one. Amazing! So grateful to him! The technique that he taught influenced my way of painting until today. ^^

I have come across with lots of very good teacher along the process of learning art. In year 2009, I started to draw comics. Wau!! Another new try for me. New knowledge and techniques in drawing. This is another world of art for me. Complicated but interesting. ^^史美星老师.とても 可愛いの人。^^ haha 

Through him I got chances to explore more regards the local comic industry. Even though not as happening as the oversea market, but their stories really touch me. Is a Dream people pursue, is their Persistence, and is always True, Sincere.

The road is still far and future is unpredictable but believe in what you have not seen...Whatever you do today, decide who you are tomorrow. ^^   

僕は 精いっぱい頑張ります。^^

Monday 11 April 2011


This is a gift from heaven.                               

                                                                        They give color to the world. 


They are so cute yet so gentle. ^^


                   They wish to fly but they cant.

Still, they always show their smiling face to you...

                                                                              Show you the best of them.

Included all pictures above, these are some of the flowers planted in our garden. ^^

My parents like to plant flowers in the garden beside the house.
Every time when almost all the flowers blossom , butterflies, bees, birds coming and the garden become so happening ^^  This may be the reason why I love flower so much                                                                                                                                                  

When I stood among them, I feel good. When the wind blow, I can feel their gentle gaze. ^^

Some flower photos taken while in Japan. Sweet and beautiful 美しい ^^

Some pictures from a Japanese drama named: Kaze no garden

This is Campanula Wedding Bell, I got to know lot of flower's names in this drama. So great!^^