Sunday 26 June 2011



小时候父亲教我很多的东西。因为他是老师的关系,我的学校功课,一直到初中的科目,都是他和母亲教的。他还教我书法,下象棋, 乒乓,羽球,骑脚车,等等。 可是,他们很严厉,军人似的指导。我并不是那种聪明的孩子,所以,我常常就挨骂,挨打。。。打是疼,骂是爱。。。^ ^我是这么想的。

但是,父亲也把很多自然界的事物也教我了。在兄妹当中,我最小,所以,非常爱撒娇。每次,除了读书外就喜欢粘住父亲。所以,他把很多他知道的关于这个世界的一些奇妙事物教给了我。其中观星是我最喜欢的。^ ^

很奇妙的,对学习这些自然界的东西,教一次就懂了,比念ABC容易了许多!^ ^以前的家,前面是一片未开发的树林,所以,光害很少,很容易就看到漫天的星星。我们没有特别的望远镜,只是学习用肉眼去看。满天的星星象是宇宙赐给人类的礼物一样,非常的美丽!



好兴奋呀!对我来说,这是宝一样的能力。这是和父亲最快乐的沟通方式。我当时也相信,我若在森林迷路了,也不用太过担心,因为,星星会告诉我方向。^ ^ 我们是在宇宙当中的其中一种生物,那么浩瀚的宇宙容纳了我们的存在。我们每天都可以从星群看到过去呀!我常想,今天我看到的光芒可能源头早已不在了。星星距离我们有几千几万光年,我们看到的都是他的过去。在他消失的几千年后,我们才发现它已经消失了。这对我来说有些许的悲哀。但,转个念头,它消失的几千年当中,我们还是一直注视着它,一直都记得它,那也很不错呀!

就像父亲那样,当我们看懂,了解他时,已经发鬓双白了。所以,到今天为止,有机会时,我还是会跟父亲一起观星。虽然,看的还是一样的星座,还是一样的一片天空,但,心境已然不同。^ ^



猎户座最佳观测日期为十二月上旬至四月上旬。出现时自东南方升起,经天顶后由西南方落下。通常利用排成一直线的腰带三星当其辨别指针,在光害不大的天空易清晰可见。主体由4颗亮星组成一个大四边形,在四方形的中央,有3颗星排成一条直线。人们便把这个四边形想象成昂首挺胸的猎人身体,四边形中的3颗星则是猎人的腰带。。。在Little DJ这部电影里提到,3颗排成直线当中最右边的那颗星对下,还隐藏着一颗星星。因为,不容易被看见,所以,要是能看见那颗星,然后许愿的话,梦想就会实现呢。^ ^



在希腊罗马神话,猎户座的故事里有两种说法,其中一个是讲述海神的儿子Orion因为经常夸口自己没有猎不到的猎物,惹怒了天后希拉,因此她派一只毒蝎子去惩罚Orion的狂妄自大。Orion死后变成天上的猎户座,而蝎子则成为天蝎座。这个神话也谋和了为何两个星座不碰面的原因呐!^ ^



大熊星座,小熊星座 大熊座是北方天空中最明亮、最重要的星座之一。著名的北斗七星就在这个星座里。其实,小熊星座尾部的最后一颗星就是北极星。而北极星也同时存在于大熊星座里。北极星并不正好在北极点上,它和北极点还有的距离, 只不过再没有别的星比它更接近北极点了,所以它就近似地被人们视为北极点。
人自古就爱许愿。西方人,东方人都一样。是一种寄托,是一种希望。。。看似神秘的星星也成了让人许愿的其中一种。那么,就祝愿大家心想事成’^ ^ 

Cliff Edwards
When You Wish Upon a Star

When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those to love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true

Saturday 25 June 2011

Caricature[My Arts (Part lll)]

A caricature人物漫画化 can refer to a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness. In literature, a caricature is a description of a person using exaggeration of some characteristics and oversimplification of others.

Caricatures can be insulting or complimentary and can serve a political purpose or be drawn solely for entertainment. Caricatures of politicians are commonly used in editorial cartoon, while caricatures of movie stars are often found in entertainment magazines.

Errr... I do not really do my caricature as the above professional style... I prefer 'soft touch' in my drawing, because it represents what I think, therefore, my work look more like a comic character as shown below. ^ ^

This is a Japan 17 years old artist and stage performer--Sakamoto Shogo (阪本奖悟)

It is really fun doing caricature! ^ ^ v but as a beginner it really took me pretty long time to complete one.

Recently, I got to know a young Malaysia caricature artist, Triton Lim. ( He earnestly wish to introduce caricature to Malaysian Chinese (which actually very popular in Malay art industry), so he works very hard doing lot of activities in most of the shopping malls, fighting for opportunities to have a space during the book fair, wedding expo, etc.  I went to his stall in Bangsar Mall once and had a short communication with him.

Surprisingly, he is a bit shy and quiet. Instead of watching the walk in customers spend their own sweet time looking at the caricature works he hung in the stall and he quietly stay at the corner looking at them, I started to help him to entertain the walk in customers.

I mean... we must always share the good things... ...^ ^

He will be stronger next time and he will grow big in the future! 

Friday 24 June 2011





我曾经遇到这样的事:刚刚在吉隆坡开车的时候,很多路线都不晓得(名副其实的路痴)记得有一次,为了要到市区一个叫Maluri的地方去(当时,住在Shah Alam),打了个电话给一位朋友问路.那位友人连指路都不指就对我说:`你不会的啦!你啊,搭KTM去就可以了.这样比较安全.'马来西亚的公共交通系统...不想多说啊~~









让他们安心不一定是遵从。让自己成长才是对他们的回应。^ ^

Thursday 23 June 2011

Wagashi-Japanese Sweets おいしい!^^

 I'm a Japanese food lover especially the Japenese Sweet which call Wagashi
Wagashi (和菓子) is a traditional Japanese confectionery which is often served with tea, especially the types made mochi azuki bean paste(red bean paste), and fruits.Wagashi is typically made from natural (mainly plant) ingredients. The names used for wagashi commonly fit a formula—a natural beauty and a word from ancient literature.Japanese sweets has over twelve-hundred history, it originated from the Chinese elixir of life.
In Edo period, it had incorporated the technique of the western sweets. After over hundreds years' harmonizing of both sweets, Japanese sweets had established as one of the Japanese own cultures. 
Japanese sweets is full of seasonal taste and consisted of aesthetic sense and colors of four seasons, such as a pink colored rice cake rolled with cherry leaf in spring, as a sweet jellied bean paste in summer. Most of names of Japanese sweets are based with the beauties and scenes of the nature, traditional Japanese poetries, literature, local history, name of the place and etc.
And also, Japanese sweets is very important fact on various cultural events of Japanese people's life, such from a birth to entry to school to marriage to funeral. 
Wagashi are classified according to the production method and moisture content. Moisture content is very important since it affects the best-before date.
  • Namagashi
  •  (生菓子) (wet confectionery)—contains 30% or more moisture.
  • Jō namagashi
  •  (上生菓子), very soft and delicate seasonally varying namagashi, in various, often elaborate, shapes and colors, often reflecting seasonal plants. Some stores will have many dozens over the course of a year.
  • Mochi
  • mono (もち物)
  • Mushi
  • mono (蒸し物)
  • Yaki
  • mono (焼き物)
  • Hiranabe
  • mono (平なべ物)
  • Ōbun
  • mono (オーブン物)
  • Nagashi
  • mono (流し物)
  • Neri
  • mono (練り物)
  • Age mono
  •  (揚げ物)
  • Han namagashi
  •  (半生菓子) (half-wet confectionery)—contains 10%–30% moisture.
  • An mono
  •  (あん物)
  • Oka
  • mono (おか物)
  • Yaki
  • mono (焼き物)
  • Hiranabe
  • mono (平なべ物)
  • Ōbun
  • mono (オーブン物)
  • Nagashi
  • mono (流し物)
  • Neri
  • mono (練り物)
  • Higashi
  • (干菓子) (dry confectionery)—contains 10% or less moisture.
  • Uchi
  • mono (打ち物)
  • Oshi
  • mono (押し物)
  • Kake
  • mono (掛け物)
  • Yaki
  • mono (焼き物)
  • Ame mono
  •  (あめ物)

After a trip to Japan last year in 2010, I totally fall in love with Wagashi.  It is the ultimate intersection with food and art which I respect very much! ^ ^ 
It is an invitation to indulge all five sense:-




Japanese cuisine- 日本料理 has it unique inner philosophy. The food look simple, but it does not simply just food. From ingredients to technique, the Japanese always demanding for perfection.Japanese cuisine is simple but difficult. Because the steps are simple, therefore, every details must have a certain quality and standard, that any short cuts is not allowed. Just like the calligraphy, simple but not easy! (简单,不简单) The Japanese will always hold  with their philosophy of ' I'm with my sincere heart to make the best food for you!' and very importantly, they take care of the food hygiene as well. This is actually part of the philosophy too. (GKP -good kitchen practice, 厨德 )

They are so lovely and is very hard to eat them! ^ ^
          My Wagashi learning experiences:-
My first experience of doing wagashi is with Ikuko san (郁子), she taught me how to make dango丸子. It really look simple initially. With very simple ingredients(only 2 ingredients for foaming the dango, and 3 ingredient for the seasoning) and steps, you can make dango.  
So, when I try to make it on my own at home, I fail for more then 5 times and started to think whether I had brought the wrong ingredient?? The dango that I made couldn't float in the boiling water, it was so sticky and taste like uncooked. 
Hoho! And then comes one day, I was struggling because couldn't sleep for the whole night, even though I have tried many ways. Then, I told myself 'why not go and do dango?' ^ ^ Eventually, I had made it after a few tries!! とても 嬉しかった!(^ ^)v  It actually taste like our Chinese traditional food Tang Yuan, 汤圆.  
これは いちご大福.(ichigo daifuku) This was the second experience of learning to make wagashiMy sensei is Hiromi san (宏実),she have been teaching wagashi in Japan for many years and yet she is still doing it after she moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!   ^ ^  
I got to know her from my Mandarin class. She made lots of wonderful Japanese sweets and she have her website at (in Japanese) 
Daifuku mean happiness. Again, very less ingredients needed, but I had tried many times, it doesn't really work out. =_= Taste, appearance, texture... ぜんぜん だめ.  
A dull edge utensil use for tasting wagashi. Beautiful!
My last try was on last Sunday, had shown little progress of improvement. ^ ^ Finally, able to share some with friends. 

I really wish that the person who ate them, felt the happiness. This was my wish when made this Daifuku. For me, food represent the heart of a person who made it. Therefore, I always believe that, if I put in the spirit of love, then, the person who ate them can get the love and felt lucky for the whole day. ^ ^ 

Butter and milk is rarely used in the wagashi cooking, therefore, it is suitable for everybody. It can also be pretty sweet which goes well with strong green tea. 
When I learn to make daifuku with Hiromi san, I have got a chance to see the tea ceremony. These are all the utensils(chawan-tea bowl, natsume-green tea powder container, chasen-the bamboo tea-whisk, chashaku-green tea macha scoop,etc) that needed during the tea ceremony. Amazing! seeing her making the macha green tea. 
She took the Chasen in the right hand and hold the Chawan with the left hand to make sure it doesn’t tumble over when whisking. Whisk the Oyu and Macha to froth with about half of the Chawan covered with foam.  When the green-tea froth is well mixed, finish by drawing a の (No) shape in the Chawan so that the foam floats in the center.  

WAU! ^ ^ とても おいしかった。。。